Matt DiCintio
>> Who: Matt DiCintio
Wife: Jan DiCintio of Daisy Janie and Scoutie Girl
>> When I met Jan...
Without spilling the beans on her age, let’s just say we’ve been going along together in this world for over 20 years. It’s probably safe to say that we met in junior high school. But most likely the deal was sealed in high school when one of us would get out of class to walk by the other’s classroom to make googly eyes. Ah, romantic courtship.I don’t own a suit.
I was raised on the humor of Bugs Bunny and The Three Stooges
Licorice is the tops!
INOV-8 trail running shoes fit my feet perfectly.
The only whistle I can do is really high-pitched.
1. What would you say are the three most important things that you do to support Jan in her creative/blogging endeavors?
I would think that to succeed as a creative professional, you’d probably want to be around people that 1) listen, 2) are flexible, and 3) are positive. I try to do things within those categories that’ll help Jan be successful. So, I listen...not simply because most of the time, I really don’t know what she’s talking about (it’s either too artsy or too computer techy) and I’d sound dull if I responded, but also because I think sometimes she just wants to be heard. And I’m flexible...I’m blessed with a flexible work schedule that allows me to child-mind and do other things to get stuff “off her plate.” Positive...well that’s just the name of the game. She embodies this, so I just try to keep it going...amid the trials and errors, the setbacks and failures, the uncertainty of risk...stay positive and the universe will reciprocate. It’s kind of like that old pep-cheer “Go, Blog, Win” but not as corny, right?
2. Being with someone who works long and irregular hours can be tough... from missed dinners to not being able to do simple things like relaxing and watching your favorite shows together as often as you'd like... How do you stop the craziness from impacting your relationship? Can you please offer some survival tips for those in similar situations?
I guess other folks in similar situations would have to realize “it is what it is.” This is the lifestyle that we’ve chosen and grumbling about it doesn’t help. We’re pretty good, in the first place, of being aware of and sort of “in front of” the craziness. That helps us keep things light and in perspective. There are certain things that we don’t compromise in order to stay anchored (if you’re a Lost fan these would be “constants”) routines...breakfast with our son, after school re-connect, dinner, weekend activities. Those things, again, allow us to keep time in perspective.
3. Your home doubles as Jan's studio. Could you give us a sense of what it's like at home? Please describe what typically happens once you come home from work [door opens]...
I leave the garage and look up to her office window. We wave and smile. The dogs greet me at the door...and then all heck breaks loose. The dogs sort of set the tone for this imagery...they happily greet me, but soon lose interest and begin a loud, raucous play fight amongst themselves (there’s no calm, quiet, peaceful “Honey I’m home.”). Then because her office (in winter in PA) is the warmest, coziest room in the house...everyone, inevitably, makes their way there. She has a love/hate relationship with this of course. There’s stretching and practicing handstand pushups, there’s homework and mini-art projects, there’s rummaging through inventory (“Hey, remember these snaps?”), and there’s chillin’ with the dogs. After a few polite “uh-huhs” and several evil-eyes from Jan, we get the message and move on (but not after I tell her “this is normal”...those kinds of things happen in offices all across corporate America). Later, we’ll rally up for food, a game, or just some TV time. It’s important to us to end the day together (get our energy all collected).
4. What was the strangest thing you've done to support Jan in what she does?
I don’t know if it’s strange but I’ve become a Master Interfacing Cutter. In fact, I can cut the interfacing, lining, and fabric for any of the old DJ handbag styles in my sleep (and that’s with scissors, not a rotary blade, yo!)
5. What is the easiest and hardest thing about being Jan's other half?
Easy: she loves to have fun and laugh; she’s positive and open
Hard: having to fold her workout clothes that were put into the wash totally whatever!
6. Please choose one of your personal favorites from Jan's collection or a favorite blog post and briefly explain why it's your favorite.
Well I’m certainly not going to pick a fabric and play favorites (I wouldn’t want to upset Audrey and the gals). Should I go handbag (old school Daisy Janie) like the MIDI totes...very cool? No, I think I’ll select the Photo Texture Repeat posts where people have to guess what the original image was. I think that those are cool, fun and creative ways to engage her readers...and cool, fun, and creative is a summary of Daisy Janie herself.
Thanks Matt and belated Happy Birthday!!!Do you have an incredibly supportive partner that deserves a little attention?? If so, email me at
i love this one, marichelle! wow, jan is a lucky lady- he seems like such a great hubby!
Oh, how fun! They seem like an adorable couple and Matt a super cool and fun partner! I love the whole cosy and sweet sound of it! Thanks for sharing guys and thank you Marichelle!
Yay!! I love this man more & more everyday anyway, but today, he gets some extra!!! thanks Marichelle!!
aww, that's awesome you guys have been together so long, I didn't know that! I had a sneaking suspicion that Jan's mister would be a positive, level-headed, super supportive guy, and you sure are Matt!
What a fabulous interview. Sounds like a keeper!
You are both wonderful people that I am proud to know.
This was awesome! I kept thinking of my situation and what would my husband write. Well, one thing for sure, he would have a difficult time matching Matt's flair for writing... This is a wonderful perspective and what's nicer it revolves around someone I really admire. Both Matt & Jan paint a beautiful portrait of their life together (even if it's a little nutso)
so lovely! Jan, you are a lucky gal, to say the least! I love it that you've been together for this long:)
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