Friday, January 30, 2009

NY International Gift Fair

The first 30 minutes at the Javits was pure sensory overload. We began our craft pursuit in the Handmade section (upstairs) and within 30 seconds I fell in love in Emily Amey's booth.

Unfortunately it's not up on her site yet and my little dinky sony camera doesn't come close to doing this ring justice (sorry Emily!). It kind of reminds me of a fern fossil, but Emily explained that it's a type of gemstone called agate. Most agates occur as nodules in volcanic rocks or ancient lavas where they represent cavities...(read more here). I couldn't help but notice the focus on textures this year. Imaginative castings - barb wire? No joke!

Minis were also everywhere, from mini fortune cookie pendants to Jenn's (of Odette NY) latest mini creations. Not only are the miniature versions just adorable, but some of the designers I spoke to find that the smaller versions drive sales from customers who may not necessarily be able to afford their original pieces. And with the current climate of our economy - I don't think anyone's complaining.

Layering-in jewelry was something else that was hard not to notice. Take a look at Marion Cage's awesome necklaces. This wood/metal combo was a definite stand out.

I was instantly drawn to the AT-CHOO booth. Full of magic, fairy dust and pure whimsy.

Speaking of whimsy...

Take a look at Laurel Denise's booth! It was definitely one of my favorite booths in the entire fair. Yarn covered bottles, muslin, paper backdrops, handwritten labels/pricing, absolutely perfect. Proof that simplicity goes a long long way.

And how much do you love Laurel's latest creations (a last minute creation no less!) - thread-wrapped necklaces? Yumm Yumm Yummm.

Mizzonk stopped us dead on our tracks. Clearly something that belongs on the floors of MOMA. Roger Chen and Wan-Yi Lin, the creators, managed to mutate the meditative act of watching the sands in an hour glass fall and the click-clack magnetic ball office toy with the "A Perfect Arrangement".

I was reminded once again of the importance of supporting my local shops and indie designers... I couldn't help but ask the vendors how the economy has effected this year's fair and the majority of the designers I spoke to voiced concerns with what seemed to be a much quieter market week. Shop handmade!


Anonymous said...

thanks marichelle! it was so sweet to meet you and the girls again!!

Melissa de la Fuente said...

Oh, you did such a great job of summing up the lovely experience my friend! I missed that layered necklace, it is gorgeous! Thanks for this!

Clementine said...

Total sensory overload! I feel like I missed so much because I was always looking at the next booth down.

Your pix of the Mizzonk booth are fantastic, Marichelle! I really loved the interactive, meditative "A Perfect Arrangement"--art with a tactile element is so inspiring to me.

thanks for this great wrap-up!

jennifer said...

Thanks Marichelle! It was so nice to meet you and the other ladies, thanks for stopping by. And I totally agree, Laurel's booth was stunning!

D' Luxe Designs said...

I definitely need to mark the next show dates on my calendar. I've been before and really miss attending.

lolasmom said...

i love the marion cage necklaces. the juxta position of metal and wood is classic yet modern.

tara -

Lilacpop said...

I am so jealous you went to this!! I would have loved to have gone!! Thanks for showing some of the booths on your blog.