Thursday, July 23, 2009

All the Right Angles

I was catching up on one of my favorite blogs - perfectbound and one of Julie's picks inspired me to create a flag & triangle inspired collection. Perfect timing since I wanted to share my latest batch of colorful paper garlands.

One. Pillow Boxes Two. (shameless plug) Carnevale Garland Three. let it rain on us Four. Long Sleeve T
Five. Pillow


mon ami said...

I love this collection, thanks for sharing. That pillow keeps popping up everywhere - I wish it would pop up on my couch next!

I put together a little collection of inspiring bunting (triangles galore) a couple weeks ago here:

I hope you enjoy...


second storie said...


Melissa de la Fuente said...

These are wonderful! And your garlands make me happy!

ArtsyFartsyAficionado said...

love the gold pillow. It looks so comfy. Being so sleepy doesn't help lol