Alex E.
>> Who: Alex E.
Fiance: Lauren Haupt, Local Library
I actually had the privilege of meeting Lauren at Renegade this month (who by the way was super sweet) and witnessed first-hand how supportive Alex is of her work. The first thought that comes to mind every time I spot a supportive partner? The Other Half of course! Alex, thanks for being a sport!
>> When I met Lauren...
Tom Waits was wrong. You can meet nice girls in coffee shops. We've been together going on 4 years.If I could sing I'd probably be an unemployed musician.
I was born in Alabama and raised in Georgia, but have no accent.
I went to an all boys Catholic military school. (yes, such a hell exists in south Georgia)
My eyes are two different colors.
I'm getting married very very soon.
1. What would you say are the three most important things that you do to support Lauren in her creative endeavors?
The most important thing I do, other than stand in wonder at how talented Lauren is, is encourage her. She does everything she does by herself; from conception to design to execution, it's all on her. This sets up a situation that takes a lot of confidence, and my job is to fuel that confidence as best I can. In a world where almost everything we are purchasing, experiencing, or watching is being made with the approval of over a hundred people it is amazing to watch one woman put her creativity on the line out in the general population day after day. So the most important thing I can do, the thing worth more than three things, is to encourage and reinforce how great she is. The other two are cooking and comforting, like the good southern boy I am.
2. Living with someone who works long and irregular hours can be tough... from missed dinners to not being able to do simple things like relaxing and watching your favorite shows together as often as you'd like... How do you stop the craziness from impacting your relationship? Can you please offer some survival tips for those in similar situations?
We are both home a lot. Before the apartment we live in now, which we've been in for only six weeks, we lived in a 180 square foot apartment for a year and a half. So for almost two years spending time apart was practically impossible. Thus far we haven't had to be inventive on how to spend time together. Up until now we would stand up and bump into each other. Now we have doors, and we can actually yell across the apartment at each other.
3. Your home doubles as Lauren's design studio, could you give us a sense of what it's like living with a jewelry designer? Please describe what typically happens once you come home from work [apartment door opens]...
Door opens and our pit bull Zen is there to greet me. Lauren is unseen cause her workspace is around a corner. I walk in give her a kiss on the cheek. Usually she is assembling something. For a designer she sure does a lot of packaging and a lot of assembling. I sit on the couch in her studio and chat about our day while she works on whatever orders she received that day. Then, hopefully, we eat dinner together and possibly watch a movie.
4. What was the strangest thing you've done to support Lauren in what she does?
I feel like I'm forgetting something. Like a strange memory I might have repressed. I'm kidding. Not a whole lot of strangeness happening around here, but then again it's all in the perspective.
5. What is the easiest and hardest thing about being Lauren's other half?
The easiest is that thing I mentioned earlier about watching in amazement. The hardest is very easy to identify. Lauren is apprehensive about expanding her jewelry business. I know all designers have their fears, but the hardest thing I do is sit on my hands and not push her too hard. I think her work is beautiful and the best thing going when it comes to jewelry, so it's natural that I would want to push her to grow the size of her business, but so far she has done an amazing job. I just can't wait for the day that world knows how great she is. And until then I'll just sit on my hands and watch in wonderment.
6. Please choose one of your personal favorite piece from Local Library and briefly explain why it's your favorite.
"how it falls" is by far my favorite piece of jewelry. I like it because it reminds me of how to be. Strong center, but a few strands relaxing in the breeze. It's like the saying "Take love seriously but where the rest of the world's troubles like a loose garment." That's what the necklace embodies to me.
Thanks Alex!!
oh yay! I love Lauren's jewelry. Love these series!
Okay, having met beautiful and adorable Lauren at Renegade & beautiful and adorable Alex,:) I can say this is my fave other half! (even though Alex said Tom Waits was wrong about something;) I love his random
facts(how did you survive a catholic military school in the south? Yikes...).and the fact that their doggie's name is Zen. So wonderful and you know the two of you are welcome in Maplewood anytime! :)
ps And I agree....Lauren deserves major recognition for her gorgeous and unique creations. What a great quote to accompany that piece "how it falls"
LOVE THIS SENTIMENT: "She does everything she does by herself; from conception to design to execution, it's all on her. This sets up a situation that takes a lot of confidence, and my job is to fuel that confidence as best I can."
Great interview - Lauren's jewelry is so fantastic! I own three pieces already!
Great interview! I love Lauren's shop. (And I love that photo of them! So lovely.) If they see this, congrats on the nuptials!
this is my favorite 'other half' interview. he is obviously so in love and so proud--as well he should be! her jewelry is gorgeous. what a great pair of people!
I love these, they're so sweet.
oh, thank you so much everyone!
you are all so sweet.
I'm getting a little misty-eyed reading your comments.
yes, alex is keeper.
thank you again, I truly appreciate it!
I bought several pieces from Lauren for my bridesmaid's gifts last fall. I also bought one for myself! I love her work.. she is def on of my Etsy favs.
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