Making It! Week 7

Dreaming big and planting seeds to achieve those dreams really does work. I have been planting seeds for so long now and it feels like its time to start seeing those dreams flourish. I'm bursting to tell about something that happened to me, but i don't want to jinx it... more

I have officially become a business owner. Today, I received my Maryland sales tax ID and materials in the mail. It's both momentous and truly frightening...more

I work way to hard for others than for myself. I have a really bad habit of doing that... more

i can't believe the year is almost near it's final days. once thanksgiving passes, it will be a fast count down from there because christmas, new year and all the hectic holiday festivities always make those last few weeks go in a zip... more
Meet Susan, Tina, Kristina and Ismoyo.
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