Megan Price
Megan Price, Norfolk, UK Brand: MrPS Website: Blog:, flickr Shop: etsy,,, |
Megan is what the entertainment industry might call a triple threat! Not only does she make the most adorable silk screened tote bags, but she also has a line of kitchen tea towels and creates wonderful collages like this one below.
She also just recently got plucked from hundreds of other hopefuls and won the "win a great start for your business" competition over at Congratulations Megan!!

1. How would you describe your style?
I use the best media I can to get my message across, be it drawing, photo, printmaking or collage.
2 How long have you been doing this and how did it all begin?
Mr.PS was launched in 2004. But in the grand scheme of things I’ve been sitting quietly drawing and making things since I was little. I then went on to study at college and University.
3. How is it working with your husband? Most people advise against working with family. Could you give us some tips on how to make it work?
Well I guess the most important thing is that we both have our own projects on the go. Robert works as an illustrator. When you’ve got loads of ideas and potential solutions buzzing round your head, it’s good to have someone to talk it all over with.

4. What inspires you? How do you get past crafter's block?
I start by researching a nugget of idea, then seeing where the drawing and designing process takes it. Sometimes, a walk to the corner shop is all it takes to jig an idea around your head. Then you can get it down on paper when you get back.
5. What tool(s) can't you live without?
Screens, squegees, sewing machine, sunshine.....
6. Do you do this full-time? If not, what pays the bills?
I do have a part-time job. It can be a bit of a juggle, but it 's good to be with other people sometimes and let your brain work on something else.

My first printing job was for the textile and lighting designer, Helen Rawlinson. Working in her studio really gave me the belief that I too could run my own business. It was a great experience and we are still in touch, checking out what each other are doing. Although she wasn’t strictly a mentor, she has certainly given me good advice.
I’m not a mentor myself, but I do try to be helpful when people ask for my opinion.
8. Who is your idol or current craft-crush?
Umm that’s tricky, there’s so many great makers out there.
I recently came across the Finnish designer Outi Martikainen. I love the way shes makes small artworks out of everyday items and also works with architects to cover major buildings with her delicate imagery.
I really like Abigail Percy’s jewellery, and my most favourite recent etsy purchase is a clutch purse made by Rowena Dugdale.
9. If you could put your products on the shelves of any 3 stores, which ones would you choose?
I’d love to do some design work for somewhere like Habitat - It’d be good to have my imagery on other homeware products. Recently we made a trip to San Francisco - I loved shops like National Product and Doe, and wish I could go again and check out Rare Device. I also love the look of Madam Andre’s shop in Paris - it’s always a thrill to see Monsieur A’s graffiti around other cities.
10. Can you share any of your favorite sources for supplies?
It's great to discover independent retailers when we go away, for instance in France and Italy. I just worry that when I next go back they're not going to be there anymore.
Closer to home, I love going to rummage at Barnett and Lawson for wholesale ribbon and trimmings near Oxford Circus, in London
11. What are your top 3 favorite blogs?
1. 3191
2. Design*Sponge
3. And it’s not really a blog, but I can get really sucked in to Flickr. I love looking at my contacts’ new photos.
Thanks Megan!!
Great feature, dear Marichelle! :) I just love her!
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