And the winner is...
Congratulations... generated the lucky winning number 27. Congratulations to Kris!!! Please email me at hearthandmade[at]gmail[dot]com with your full name and mailing address so we can go ahead and send you all four mixtapezine issues. Enjoy!
And for everyone else who didn't win, no worries - no losers here! mixtape has kindly put together this freeview for everyone else, so you too can get a taste of what it's all about. The freeview contains an article from each issue, so go ahead - click away and get reading!!If anyone has any issues downloading the freeview, email me hearthandmade[at]gmail[dot]com and we'll work it out!
Thanks again to everyone who participated, I loved reading all of your comments - looks like I now have 50 or so blogs to check out :)
the freeview is great - thanks!
thanks A bunch M
we really enjoyed doing this with you
i love the winners comment it made my heart smile
lets do something with every new issue from now on!!
justine x
Cindy, glad you enjoyed it!
Justine, it was a pleasure!! Will definitely need to do something together from now on!!
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